I Build Dynamic Web Experiences

Bridging the Gap Between Vision and Usability. I Engineer Seamless Experiences

Hi! I’m Dickson, A Frontend Engineer Based In Ghana.

I Build Together Partnering with Clients for Success

Focused on Usability and Design


Do you want to start a project together?

Available Worldwide. Bridging the Communication Gap


Tech enthusiast with a passion for development.


The inside scope

Currently Building an AI powered Startup


A Selection Of Recent Projects


Let’s Chat - An online Chat App

A chat application that fosters meaningful connections between friends.


Rollingboard - Project Management

A project management app that allows you and your team to be empowered to achieve more.


Apple Clone - The 2023 Iphone 14 Pro clone

I specialize in creating stunning, responsive websites that perfectly match your vision.


ProfiLock - Crypto Coin Staking App

A safe and reliable way to increase your crypto holdings. Connect your wallet and start earning.


SatSat-Ai - Query Your Financial Data With Ai

A Software-as-a-Service app with AI features which scans your statements and provide insights about spending and more.


PodCast - Listen to your favorite podcasts

A web application showing my favorite podcasts and allow the search of other podcasts.

My work experience

My approach

Planning & Strategy

We'll collaborate to map out your website's goals, target audience, and key functionalities. We'll discuss things like site structure, navigation, and content requirements.

Development & Progress Update

Once we agree on the plan, I cue my lofi playlist and dive into coding. From initial sketches to polished code, I keep you updated every step of the way.

Development & Launch

This is where the magic happens! Based on the approved design, I'll translate everything into functional code, building your website from the ground up.